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For Students Currently in JK - Please READ the Attached

Junior Kindergarten (JK) students receive an OHIP-insured eye exam by a participating OAO member, and if prescribed,
one complimentary pair of glasses courtesy of our exclusive industry partners, and participating optometrists.

Don’t let your junior kindergarten students miss the opportunity to get their eyes examined and be able to participate in the Eye See…Eye Learn program.
The ESEL program will end for the current JK students (born 2014) on June 30th.

Why should a child have an eye exam?

If vision goes uncorrected…   Eye co-ordination problems can cause:

  • Discomfort
  • Reduced concentration
  • Slower processing speed
  • Interference with phonetic or eidetic decoding and spelling
  • Reading deficiencies

In preschool children, reduced depth perception and reduced accommodation were found to be predictors of reading performance in Kindergarten and Grade 1.